Book Review Editor, Emily Rogers

The Georgia Library Quarterly reviews books on aspects of life in Georgia and the South, including history, literature, politics, education, and genealogy. Materials written by Southern authors or published by regional publishers may also be considered, as well as those on libraries and librarianship.

Current issues, and back issues dating to 2007, are available from the DigitalCommons at Kennesaw State University.

Index to Off the Shelf Reviews (1978 – 2007)

Guidelines for “Off the Shelf” Reviewers

  • If you are interested in reviewing for GLQ , please contact the book review editor or GLQ editor; books are assigned based on areas of expertise and interests. We generally do not accept unsolicited reviews.
  • Notify the editor if a conflict of interest is discovered.
  • Read the book carefully and thoroughly.
  • Include a brief summary, a description and evaluation of highlights, especially those to Georgia or Southern references.
  • Include a recommendation of the appropriate readership.
  • Book reviews should not include first-person pronouns or personal anecdotes.
  • Write a review of between 400 to 500 words.
  • Create the review in MS Word.
    • Use 11 pt. Calibri font.
    • Begin the review with the title, author or editor, publisher, date, ISBN, and price.
    • End the review with your name and your library or affiliation.
  • Please submit reviews to the GLQ site at, or, email them directly to the book review editor Emily Rogers at
  • If for any reason you are unable to fulfill your obligation to write a review, notify the editor immediately–absolutely before the given deadline. You are expected to return the book/material at once.
  • Reviews may be edited for brevity or clarity.
  • Unless otherwise stated, the complimentary review copy may be retained by the reviewer.

Recommended Sites

Books All Georgians Should Read – from the Georgia Center for the Book