Area Bibliographic Instruction Group (AABIG) welcomes Atlanta conference proposals for the 2019 AABIG Conference on June 7, 2019 at Georgia State University – Clarkston Campus Library in Clarkston, Georgia.
2019 Theme: “The ABCs of Instruction: Assessment, Building Programs, and Creating Opportunities.”
Come share your research and innovative ideas with your colleagues! We encourage submissions from all types of librarians on any topic related to assessment, instruction programs, and instructional opportunities.
Proposals should reflect elements of one of the following three tracks.
Proposal Tracks
Assessment (Suggested Topics)
Program level instructional assessment
Classroom assessment
Informal/Formal assessment strategies
Data (qualitative, quantitative, mixed)
Assessment cycle
Instruction Programs (Suggested Topics)
Developing a new program
Restructuring an existing program
Instructional Opportunities (Suggested Topics)
Campus collaborations
Emerging trends
New types of scholarship (e.g., media, digital humanities, etc.)
The conference offers a variety of session formats to suit a range of presentation and learning styles.
50 Minute Breakout Session
25 Minute Mini Session
Poster Session
Lightning Talks – Provide a quick glimpse into your latest innovation or interesting idea. Each presenter will have five minutes total. There will not be additional time for questions, but presenters may reserve part of the five-minute allotment for Q&A if desired.
Proposal Due Date: April 5th, 2019 by 11:59 pm. Submit here.
Applicants will be notified in early May, after a blind peer review process, whether their submission has been accepted for presentation at the conference.
If you have any questions, please contact Erin Mooney at [email protected].