This year GLA Academic Library Division is electing a secretary and a vice-chair/chair-elect. Look for the ballot in your mailbox.
Candidates for Secretary
Lamonica Sanford completed her undergraduate degree from Eastern Connecticut State University and received her MA in History and M.Ed in Educational Leadership at Georgia College. She received her MLIS from Valdosta State University in 2017. In her position as Assessment Librarian at Georgia College, she views her position as a way to not only present the importance of the library in innovative ways but views her role as Assessment Librarian as a professional who works collaboratively with other entities on campus and within the library to evaluate and improve library services, resources, and spaces to support her institution’s vision.
Andrea Stanfield currently serves as the Interim Dean at University of West Georgia. Her background is in information literacy instruction, and she is a graduate of the ACRL Immersion Teacher & Program Tracks. She has been an active member of the GLA Research and Assessment Interest group and has served as a reviewer for the GLA Awards Committee, the Georgia COMO conference, and the Georgia International Conference for Information Literacy. Andrea serves her local community as the Treasurer of the East Point Friends of the Library.
Laura Wright has worked at Odum Library at Valdosta State University since 2008. In that time, she has experienced several academic library trends. She has been a Reference and Marketing Librarian, Coordinator for Reference Services, and, most recently, declared the Reference and Lending Services Coordinator. With 15 years of experience in academic libraries, Laura knows that every day is an adventure. Beyond managing the public services departments, her everyday job duties could include teaching library instruction classes, providing research assistance, participating in collection development, and marketing of our library and its services. As a recent graduate, receiving her Doctorate in Public Administration in spring of 2019, she is keenly aware of the student needs and demands from their academic library. Her current research areas of interest include the impact of library instruction on student success and leadership development within libraries.
Candidate for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Linh Uong is a Catalog Metadata Librarian and may be found most days in the beautiful mountains of the University of North Georgia. She has been a member of GLA since 2008 and has served as chair for the Scholarship Committee and Technical Services Interest Group, and has also been chair of the North Georgia Associated Libraries. Currently, she is the Secretary for the GLA Academic Library Division and would welcome the opportunity to serve ALD as the 2020 Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect.