From Silo to Hub: Seizing Opportunities to Drive Change
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
2pm Eastern (11am Pacific | 12pm Mountain | 1pm Central)
Description: In 2016, the De Paul Library at the University of Saint Mary won the Steelcase Education Active Learning Center Grant, building on a librarian-driven change movement for the overall library space and vision. Focusing on building connections to the overall learning environment on campus, librarians partnered with faculty to develop active learning resources, training opportunities, and a circulating technology collection. This year, the university reorganized several student support functions under the umbrella of the Keleher Learning Commons, building on the library’s goals toward holistic support for student success. This session will share lessons learned while undergoing major transitions in the vision of the library on campus and navigating physical and organizational changes, as well as early impacts and outcomes.
About the Presenter:
Ashley Creek is currently the Director of the Keleher Learning Commons at the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas after previously serving as the Access & Learning Services Librarian and then Emerging Technologies Librarian for the past 8 years. Creek has presented active learning and library transformation related sessions at state, regional, and national conferences. Her current research focuses on the library as the center of the academic community, technology and active learning, and co-curricular assessment.
Can’t make it to the live show? That’s okay. The session will be recorded and available on the Carterette Series Webinars site for later viewing.
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Contact a member of the Carterette Series planning team with questions or suggestions:
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