The next day was a COMO Planning meeting in Macon, GA at the Marriott Hotel. Plans of where the activities will be located and what changes need to be made from last year were discussed and, hopefully, will be addressed by October. We plan on coffee being available all day for all those coffee lovers who were without in the middle of the day during the last COMO Conference. COMO 2013 is in Macon, Georgia on October 9- 10-11, 2013. We have lots of areas for volunteers to help create a great conference. Send in a proposal for a presentation of the great work that you’re doing; volunteer for the scholarship booth, the Poster Sessions, or the Authors’ Reception. It should be a wonderful time.
We are in the middle of the Photo Contest. Start taking pictures now through June 20 of your libraries or programs. No photos of animals, even if they live in the library, please. Winners will be put in a calendar for 2014 which will be sold at the GLA booth at COMO 2013.
Picnic in July – firm arrangements have not been completed, but the plan is to have a GLA picnic in middle Georgia in mid-July for FUN. We’re hoping to find a State Park or other area with a covered picnic area and restrooms close by. It looks like we are a little late to obtain an air conditioned center. I was told that we do not want a picnic in Southern or Middle Georgia in July without having an air conditioned retreat. With that in mind, I’ll be looking for places in the northern half of the state. Let me know if you have any ideas. The meat will be provided and everyone will bring a side or dessert. We’ll need registration forms completed so the proper amount of meat is available.
I’m still working on a Strategic Plan for GLA 2014-2016. The goal is to help the membership work together on a common mission with common goals and objectives. A survey was sent out in the last couple of years and we’ll look through those responses to provide ideas for some of the next steps we want to take. You will probably receive more information during the next few months to help gather opinions from the membership for the plan. Please give your opinions and suggests.
I want to end this recap with a BIG THANK YOU to Oscar Gittemeier. He worked very hard on a calendar project he created and sold during the last year. He gave a generous donation of his sales to support the GLA scholarship fund. THANKS, Oscar!!
The fun of being in GLA is the relationships with other people with library interests and goals. My hope is to have fun events throughout the year to bring us all together. Thanks so much and feel free to contact me for more information or questions and comments.
Diana Very, GLA President 2013
[email protected]