The Georgia Archives Conservation Department together with Paintings Conservator Jennifer Bullock are excited to present four 3-day workshops in 2021 on the conservation and preservation of paintings and paper artifacts:
• Preventive Conservation: Care of Archives, Art and Artifacts: 19-21 March – $150
• Paper Conservation: Infilling Losses and lnpainting of Paper Objects: 21-23 May- $300
• Introduction to the Care and Preventive Conservation of Paintings: 10-12 September- $300
• Archival Mounting for Flat Paper Objects and Photographs: 5-7 November- $300
These workshops are for anyone who works in cultural heritage institutions, libraries, museums, galleries, or just has an interest in learning how to best look after their own items. The workshops range from beginner to intermediate; however, prior conservation experience is not required. Join us for as few as one or as many as all four workshops to gain a greater understanding of paper and paintings conservation/preservation and how to best look after your treasures!
Registration fees include all materials, and snacks will be provided.
A discounted price is available for registering for all four workshops.
Additional COVID-19 health and safety precautions have been put in place.
The workshops are generously sponsored by the NHPRC and FOGAH.
Register at: