Purpose & Contact

The School Library Media Division seeks to bring together information professionals from all patron and student age groups to improve information literacy in Georgia. A dedicated team has been appointed to investigate the needs of school library and media professionals in Georgia and build programs and partnerships to help meet these needs.

If you have ideas for strengthening professional resources for professionals in school libraries and media centers, send them to the division at [email protected].

For more information on the revitalization plan see the following documents:


  • Chair: John Stephens
  • Vice chair: Ifeude Hill
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Liaison to GLMA: Vacant


  • AASL – The American Association of School Librarians: The division of the American Library Association that advocates for school librarians and media specialists.
  • GLMA – The Georgia Library Media Association: The largest professional association in Georgia advocating for school librarians and media specialists.