The GLA Board has approved the recommendation of the 2010 GLA Awards Committee to present awards at the COMO XXII GLA Banquet in October as follows:
The Bob Richardson Memorial Award to Sarah Steiner, Georgia State University, Social Work & Assessment Librarian
The Charles Beard Library Advocacy Award to Dr. Melvin Steely, University of West Georgia, Georgia’s Political Heritage Program
Honorary GLA Membership to Callie McGinnis, retired from Columbus State University Libraries
The Library Support Services Award to Brad Baxter, UGA Libraries, Systems/GALILEO Support
The McJenkin-Rheay Award to Tessa Minchew, Georgia Perimeter College – Clarkston, Systems/Catalog Librarian
The Nora Symers Paraprofessional Award to Heidi Benford, Clayton State University, Acquisitions Assistant
Congratulations to these awardees!
Also, many thanks to those who took the time to nominate colleagues across Georgia. The Awards Committee had some tough decisions this summer, so if your nominee is not listed above, please consider a 2011 nomination.