The Society of Georgia Archivists Conference Program Committee proudly presents the theme for the 2018 annual meeting: Practical Pathways: Applied Tools and Creative Approaches.
The Committee invites you to attend the meeting, to be held at the Graduate Hotel in Athens, Georgia, October 24–26, 2018.
Members of the archival profession reflect diverse professional backgrounds and experiences that inform heuristic solutions to on-the-job problems. By examining innovative ideas and practical answers, presentations at this year’s meeting will highlight the different avenues available for reaching the goals of archivists and their institutions.
For the 2018 annual meeting, the Program Committee seeks session and poster proposals that emphasize strategies, examples, trainings, tools, models, workflows, and applied projects that improve our understanding of the following key topics:
• Electronic records and digital preservation;
• Advocacy and outreach;
• Leadership training, relationship building, and career advancement, including methods used in lone arranger settings;
• Management issues, including staffing, budgetary, and training limitations;
• Challenges and successes in teaching with primary sources.
The Society of Georgia Archivists identifies inclusion as its commitment to ongoing and cumulative efforts—including policies, principles, practices, recruitment, and activities—that engage an increasingly diverse community in a welcoming, equitable, and responsive manner. Practical Pathways: Applied Tools and Creative Approaches invites inclusive and diverse approaches for transforming the archival profession’s practice, theory, and attitude.
Submit a proposal online.
Deadline for proposals is April 1, 2018.